
11 September 2012

Shi-Tsu Beauty Drink

Main Ingredients  主要成分

     Fish Collagen 胶原蛋白 (5,000mg)
  1. Increase skin elasticity and reduce sagging.
  2. Promote a translucent, lustrous and even toned complexion. 
  3. 收缩粗大毛孔使肌肤平滑、恢复光泽及结实。
  4. Reduced wrinkles and hydrates skin.

 Fish Collagen 胶原蛋白 (5,000mg)
  1. Increase skin elasticity and reduce sagging.
  2. Promote a translucent, lustrous and even toned complexion.
  3. Reduced wrinkles and hydrates skin.

   Bird Nest 燕窝 (5,000mg)
  1. Maintain youthfulness.
  2. Enhancing the rebirth of cells and tissues.
  3. Enhanced functions of immune system.


Most women tend to be more confidence and attrative when they are young and beautiful,thus it has always been our dream to maintain youth and beauty. One of the topic that are most concerned by today’s modern women are how to maintain and restore their youth and beauty while facing with all the challenges in their life which caused variety of aging problem.

Shi-Tsu beauty drink is a special drink with intergration of three essential nutritions, sheep placenta essence, collagen essence and bird’s nest essence. Shi-Tsu was produced by using the world's leading nano-biotechnology. Shi-Tsu is an effective and convenient way to enhance  appearance and beautify skin. Shi-Tsu helps to defer aging and rejuvenate our body with variety of nutrient. 


Features 1 : Anti-aging   特点一 :抗衰美颜
Sheep Placeta Ectract Rejuvenate cells and body  
Since ancient times, preserving youth and beauty have become essential, we are willing to try variety of method to do so.  Scientists from Switzerland has substantiated caprine extracted from sheep placenta can help us effectively to holdup the aging process. For years, the rich and famous have frequented the clinics in Switzerland for anti-aging treatment with sheep placenta.

World renowned superstar, Madonna, still blazing throughout the world stage even at the age of 50, with her sexually attractive appearance. The secret? Madonna goes for placenta injection every 2 years interval.

Therefore, Shi-Tsu beauty drink which contain sheep placenta essence is the best choice of maintaning health and beauty. Shi-Tsu can provide the same anti-aging result  and the best thing is, with a lower cost. 3 - 6 weeks pregnant sheep embryonic fluid had been used, and it contain bioactive nutrients such as essential amino acids, active enzymes, minerals, and other active substances, which helps to rejuvenate cells and improve organs’ function.The collagen extract in Shi-Tsu is particularly rich with water soluble protein which helps  in anti-aging process. Shi-Tsu Beauty Drink is proven in reducing wrinkles effectively, improve blood circulation, and cell rejuvenation.

羊胎盘精华素  让细胞再次恢复青春活力


从美容学的角度来看, Shi-Tsu养颜饮品所提供胶原蛋白的美颜精华,尤其它拥有的水溶性丰富的蛋白质天然成份,能提供女性多种抗衰养颜的因子、并有效达到淡化或去除肌肤皱纹效果、促进血液循环、增强细胞活力,让女性展现更青春动人的魅力!

Features 2 : Health and Beauty   特点二:健康美丽
The nature elixir. The best recipe for women’s health.
Besides beneficial to skin, Shi-Tsu beauty drinks also contain natural bird’s nest essence. Shi-Tsu helps to enhance the immune system, improve respiratory system, relieves cough, cold and flu. Especially for women after surgery or giving birth, the excessive physical exertion which will weaken the body immune system, needs proper nutrition to revitalize and improves body immune system.

For women who are facing menopause, it can effectively regulate female hormone secretion, alleviate symptoms of menopause and improve function of the digestive system. Shi-Tsu is a drink recommended for every lady who seek for eternal beauty and self confidence for a better life ahead.

天然营养最自然.  调理女性健康的最佳秘方.


Other ingredients 其它成分
Strawberry Extract, Blueberry Extract, Isoflavones, Food Grade Citric Extract, Dextrose Monohydrate, Vitamin B, Vitamin C.

草莓精华, 蓝莓精华, 大豆异黄酮, 维他命B, 维他命C

Caution 注意
• Stop using this product if irritation or allergic reaction occurs.
• For those who are under medication, consume at least 4hours after the medication.

• 如对产品成分产生敏感现象,请停止使用。
• 若是有服用其它药品,请隔开4个小时饮用。

Dosage 饮用方式 :

• Suitable for any age and gender.
• 3days interval (a bottle a day for the first week for better result)
• Consume early in the morning or before sleep. 

• 适合男女老少。
• 3日1瓶(建议开始饮用期间,持续1个星期1天饮用1瓶,以达到更好的效果)
• 建议早上或临睡前饮用。

Effectiveness 服用效果 :
1st week :It will gradually expel toxins in the body, improve the digestive system and freshen up oneself.
2nd week :Deeper and more relaxing sleep, better skin complexion and improve alertness.
3rd week :Lighten the appearance of freckles, pigmentation and dark spots.
After a month :Enhanced immune systems, increased skin elasticity, translucent and radiant skin.

※ 2L~4L of water per day to expel body toxins and moisturized body.
※  1天平均饮用2L~4L水分,减少体内毒素和增加滋润。 

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